Serotonin and Oxytocin with a dash of MECE and Inner Theatre!

It is 2 am. There is lot of work. I am not well and I can’t sleep. Perfect conditions for my brain to bring out all its torturous thoughts.

I have taken a course called neuroscience and consumer behaviour and thanks to my new gained knowledge, while the heart laments and keeps conjuring all possible hurt giving scenarios, my reflective brain (part of the brain that is responsible for rationality) is thinking of how low my serotonin levels would be. For the uninitiated, low serotonin levels are responsible for causing depression, emotional instability and like. It further takes a MECE approach to do a root cause analysis of what primal optimisation goal is it (my brain) (brain thinking about brain – inception much :o) trying to achieve. I realise that it is trying to maximize its need to feel secure, and its need of oxytocin (the love hormone). Now, there are various ways to feel secure and loved. I could just call up folks in the states and it will all just vanish.. but given its stubborness (which btw is borderline stupid), it wants what it wants and which to no one’s surprise it can’t get. Add to it the tightly connected right and left parts of my (female) brain (another learning from the course), each disjoint event is being connected (things done today, done yesterday, a week before, 2 months before, a year ago), every environmental parameter (holiday season, everyone is on leave, people plan trips with their loved ones) is being added and voila, the chamber of inescapable pain is ready!

While I am writing this, another small part of my brain is applying another learning from another course called Inner Theatre: Reflection of Self saying, “You are just using rationalization as a defence mechanism to escape the pain chamber” “Move to the hermit quadrant, do not let events affect you” “Your shadow self is taking control” “Hah! You belong to the love quadrant, what else do you expect!”
Each part is rolling eyes at the other.

Well, to spare you from any more rant, ending this with another learning from another course – managerial communication – “End with a warm sentence” – the only silver lining in all this is that my rational brain is taking full advantage of the dysfunctionality of my emotional brain and concretizing the learnings of all the courses!

Well done, rational brain! Emotional brain, Please give up hoping!

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