I wish..

I wish you were here.. It’s been 6 months and it is not getting easier..

Every time I got premium chocolates, I used to bring them back home
There was nothing more satisfying than dividing into 3
Yesterday, I got a box full of them.  I opened it and ate
I couldn’t function for an hour.. I wish..

Every time I went to give an exam, I called home to hear you say “Best of luck”
Your “Badhu aavdi Jase” was all the confidence booster that I needed
I believed you.. I don’t call home anymore.. I wish..

Last month, I had gone home
I don’t know how does she stay there
Every moment. was. difficult.
Every instant, I thought that you’ll open the door with all the things I loved.. I wish..

We were not 3 people, We were 1 family.
I know it is not fair to her, but now it just seems like two people.
I am trying, I am, I don’t want to.
I want my family back.. I wish..

There was a reason I wanted to do well, earn money, grow..
I used to think you were half my motivation, It seems you were all of it..
I know it is not fair.. I know I’ll regret this running away..
But, I just can’t stop wishing you were here..